Thursday 6 September 2012

This is what I worked on today. Today I worked on math with ratios and percents. I also did multiplication and 3 language arts assignments. Also, I wrote a story. This is what I need help on: I need help on ratios because I got a 70% on my quiz. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing silent reading and I am reading Harry Potter, book one. It is really great and I could read it all day long. This is where I need to start tomorrow: Tomorrow I need to finish ratios and percents and I also need to finish my writing that I started today. I was having a hard time getting online today and that is why I did a writing.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Duct Tape Certification

Watch the Video and answer the questions below. Have fun.

1. What do you think the word adhesive means?
2. How does a potato cannon work?
3. How did the duct tape potato cannon work compared to the real one?

1. How did the duct tape work with lifting the car? 2. How did the duct tape work with repairing the boat? 1. Does a duct tape cannon work? 2. Can you really build a duct tape boat? 3. Name 3 or more things that you think you could make with duct tape.

Monday 20 August 2012

There once was a robot ,his name was Bobby and he lived in a beautiful Emerald green castle. He came from a wealthy  family. Back in the 1980s a mouse roomed the castle floors stealing every gold coin he could find. Luckily there pet was like an alarm. They had a very unusual pet but they admired       . There pet was an elephant they called him Toble. Toble was small was small and different,but he wasn't totally different. When he would walk around the castle and the mouse would happen to pass Toble he would panic and run around in circles

Monday 13 February 2012

February 13

TESLA agenda:

Middle School Students:
1. Online math test

Elementary Students:
1. Finish Online Reading test
2. Time4learning - 4 math to 2 la

Everyone - Literature Groups

Hunger Games Group
1. Make sure you have read Chapter one and responded to question that were emailed to you - use langugage arts blog
2. Start reading chapter 2
3. Meet with Mrs. Amy morning block

All Other literature groups
1. Mrs. Amy will call you and give directions

Tuesday 11 October 2011


Please go in Order

We are about to begin our Axolotl Breeding Project. It will be an exciting unit. Before we begin, there are some things you should know about these awesome creatures. You should answer these questions on your science blog about Axolotls.

(On Science Blog) -

For axolotl help - go to this Website

1. Finish your part of the Brazil project.

2. Answer these questions about Axolotls

Blue= 5th grade and up required, but you can try it
Red= Very challenging - middle school and up required all others can take the challenge

1. What group of animals does the Axolotl belong to (amphibians, reptiles, fish or mammals)
2. What makes the Axolotl different from other salamanders?

Watch This : If you Dare!

4. Watch the video at this link
Answer These questions:
1. Name at least 2 different types of cells found in your body.
2. What are the four basic letter codes to make DNA?
3. What do genes do for a cell or a body?
4. How many chromosomes do humans have?
5. How many pairs of chromosomes to axolotls have?

5. Complete this diagram and take a screen shot for your science blog. Click here

6. Creative Time: (choose one and put it on your science blog)

1. Write your own song about the axolotls - you must include at least 5 actual scientific facts about the animal.

2. Write a poem about the axolotl - you must include at least 5 real facts

3. Be an artist - draw a drawing of the axolotl. Study some pictures first.
  • How big is the head compared to the body?
  • Which way do it's feet point
  • How many toes on are the front and back feet (hint, they are different)
  • What shape is the tail and how long is it compared to the body
  • You can do your drawing electronically or on paper - you will need a photo of your picture on your science blog.

6. Axolotl Mini-Project

  • (2-4th grade) Use a Google Doc or Prezi and make a slideshow about the Axolotl (where it comes from, pictures of different colors, what makes it interesting, what other creatures are closely related to it)
  • (4-8th) Use a presentation site to explain how the Axolotl is a part of Mexican Culture and Aztec tradition. What else can you tell us about the axolotl that we don't know already? What is like the axolotl here in the United States? (neotenic)